Saturday, June 16, 2007

5 free music downloads -- and one life-changing experience

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

So I was checking my email the other day - a rare event, indeed, when I noticed that once again I was being solicited and stalked my the US armed forces... this time the navy... anyways they were trying to appeal to young american go-nowheres just outta highschool (they do this email through eck) by offering five free music downloads.... Does anyone else find this somewhat repulsive? anyhow here was my response

SUBJECT: RE: 5 free music downloads -- and one life-changing experience


Life changing as in becoming a permanent casualty in the work force and ending up living in an RV park the rest of my life or just flat out dying...

Thanks for the offer Uncle Scam, but I'd rather just go pirate the music and make a living off of selling crack to elementary kids.

Heh I got the selling drugs things from what my boyfriend's Dad said to the armed forces after they tried to get him to rejoin... seriously I feel so sickened by how the military tries to recruit kids into it... using shit like pop culture and glorifying it with masculinity... and playing songs Like "this is why Im hot"...

there's nothing hot about having your face blown off for some rich man in a suits interests... it's not our war to fight... just like the book All Quiet On the Western Front said... let the worlds leaders duke it out... leave us the fuck alone... we're already having our pockets scraped by the bureacracy Theyve already sucked out enough of our lives... which is spent mostly laboring to get by... what else do they fucking want... fuck off.

There's nothing sicker than a bush praising nationalist idiot who fanaticizes about how wonderful his government is when he is their victim.

Freedom there aint no fuckin freedom.. fuck the IRS

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